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Thank you in advance for utilizing this form to update your group. Please keep in mind that for the most part these updates are implemented by volunteers. So, if you decide to change your group’s name from “World Famous…” to “Average Famous….” those changes might not be implemented. This website is not intended to be the marketing arm of your particular group.

Have your reviewed the GSO brochure The AA Group?

Click Here

If you are not sure if your group is registered with GSO, you can send an email to [email protected] and verify your group number. Also, if you need to update your group information, you can use the New York GSO Group Information Change Form here:

Click Here

If you are not sure if your group is listed with the Las Vegas Central Office or if this is a new group/meeting, please visit this link:

Click Here

If you need to make a committee listing or special event change, please visit this page:

Click Here

Submit Meeting Changes

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Meeting/Group Name (required)

    Meeting/Group Address (required)

    What part of town is your meeting located?

    What day(s) of the week does your group meet? (required)


    What time does your meeting start? Please include AM/PM (required)

    What type of meeting is it? i.e. Book Study, Handicapped accessible, etc(required)

    Is there a meeting phone contact? (please included area code)

    Is this a new or existing meeting/group? (required)

    New MeetingExisting Meeting

    Please include any additional notes pertinent to the meeting change.

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