Self Support and the Seventh Tradition
“Self-support begins with me, because I am part of us – the group. We pay our rent and utility bills, buy coffee, snacks and A.A. Literature. We support our central office, our area committee, and our General Service Office. If it were not for those entities, many new people would never discover the miracles of A.A.”*
* Reprinted from Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix, page 5, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
** In Las Vegas some Groups also support Southern Area General Service Committee and their Districts.
In keeping with the Seventh Tradition, Las Vegas Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous (LVIAA) limits contributions to two sources: A.A. groups, and individual A.A. members.
We ask that group treasurers include Group Name (as it appears in the meeting schedule) and District for contributions to the Central Office so we can maintain our records properly.
While there is no limitation on the amount an A.A. group may contribute to LVIAA, in keeping with the Seventh Tradition, individual A.A. members may not give more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per year to LVIAA.
For additional information regarding A.A.’s tradition of self support, please consult the pamphlet Self-Support: Where Money and Spirituality Mix, the A.A.® Guidelines on Finance, and visit
Click Here for information about mailing a payment to our office.